Friday, May 22, 2009

A date!

Yesterday, the day started as normal. I took care of our children and cleaned our house. Then the wonderful part came, I took our kids to my mom's and Toby and I went on a date!! We don't have half enough of these and are very grateful when they come around! We went to the museum which is having a Titanic exhibit. (any of you that really know me know that I LOVE history) After that we headed to Reed's Dairy so I could perfect my double chin and cheeks with an icecream cone. :) When we finished there we went to Toby's parents house and hopped on a 4 wheeler and cut wild asparagus. It was so nice to have time just to be Toby and Cassie. When we got home Gabe and Julie took pictures of us. This one Julie took. Gabe did inform me that ,"You think dates are good to go on because you have fun, but they aren't because your kids don't have that much fun." All I can say is, Gabe if you live close when you have kids I will happily watch them so you and your wife can go on a date. :)
Isn't he sooo handsome!!

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