Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fun in the Smith house!

This is about right! Gabe being a goofball, Julie trying to hold everybody's hand, and Noah trying to get parts of him out.

Gabe is very proud of his outfit. It is a "real army outfit".
Noah just looks so cute in his underwear. See Belle in the bottom corner, she has found her hands and is fascinated by them on a regular basis!

We are doing good on the potty training! Almost done!

And here is the Unicycle. I love my husband and try to encourage him in everything. With all that being said, I couldn't help but laugh when I looked up and saw this. What else is there to say?
Oh, My!

We are excited for Papa Powell's birthday party tomorrow! Auntie Bethie gets here tonight. We will post lots of pictures so you can see all the fun!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, they all look so alike and, yet, have such DIFFERENT personalities! What a wonderful family you have!