Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Gingerbread house....

Tonight, after turkey pot pie and two plays that our children put on for us. ( Bunny play and Star Wars play) we put together and decorated our gingerbread house. We put it together and had to let it set up so we decorated little ornaments that came with it. Belle helped Daddy...she was the first to preview the frosting. :)She liked it.

Julie working hard on hers. It takes so much concentration!
As I was taking this picture, Noah poured sprinkles on and then said,"Uh, that is to much."
The whole gang working hard.
She just wanted to test that ornament.
Daddy and Belle's ornament. I am wondering why the pictures of me don't ever look as good as Toby. Must be the picture takers fault. :)
Julie's...she is snacking on an extra one we broke into pieces.
Gabe in all of his corniness showing off his.
I LOVE this boys smile! His ornament is great too.
See what I mean, it must be Toby's fault. :D
When those were done we got to work on the house. Everyone helped and had fun.
The Smith's gingerbread house.
He is finishing the candy that didn't make it onto the house.
After the fun. Getting ready for bed.
This is the..please pick me to turn off the Christmas tree lights....look. He got picked.
I feel truly blessed that we have so much that we can do things like this. Thank you, Lord!

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