Sunday, December 20, 2009


I am always amazed at how God pounds things into you. He has been pounding what Christmas is about this year. I have always known in my head and at times kinda in my heart, but this year He is really going at it. It all started with Children's Church, talking with the kids about what Christmas is about. I am amazed at how teaching, teaches you as well. This is what we came up with....

God-gave His only Son

Jesus-gave up His seat in Heaven
He basically gave up everything

Mary- gave up her reputation
gave up her home (they had to move to Egypt)

Joseph- gave up his reputation
gave up his home
most likely his decision to keep Mary had effects on who wanted him to work for them

What they got

God- to see His Son die a horrible death
to turn away from His only Son, because of all of our sin that was Him

Jesus- died a death that He didn't deserve

Mary- Got a Saviour

Joseph- Got a Saviour

This are just some of the things we talked about. I realized that Mary and Joseph didn't realize what they were getting exactly. They did it, because God told them to.

From the looks of these things....Christmas is about giving.

Yes, I know that everybody says that, but who really applies it. It seems like all the kids have lists of what they want to get. Parents worry and talk about what they are getting their kids. When do you see us making lists of ways we can give. Our time, our gifts, our money, whatever is needed. As I asked the kids what they wanted for Christmas they could immediately give me and answer. When I asked what they were giving, I got umms and ahhhs. As this is going on I realize that I have been relaxed on this subject as well, because I am selfish and I want to get stuff too. humbling to think of what Christ....God.....gave up at Christmas.
He submitted himself to be inside a human womb, be born a helpless baby that had to depend on the humans He had made. He submitted himself to imperfect human parents and honored and respected them. He gave up the glory of being God and was what, many I am sure, considered a bastard child.

So as I have all of this on my mind, the Lord sends one my way that I am supposed to help. This person has made some poor choices that have led to a very hard life. I got a call that they needed a ride. I was headed that way. I got nervous about helping because this person resides in a rougher neighorhood than I live in. As I was thinking maybe that was the Lord trying to tell me not to go, I realized that Satan can use fear to deter you from doing what you are supposed to be doing. So I told the Lord I trusted Him to protect me and headed out. All the way there I said things like...if she doesn't answer her phone by the time I get there I won't stop, that will be my sign that I am not supposed to help her. Those kinds of know. God made everything "happen" so before to long I was outside this house. The person came out and is mad at everyone. I drive us where we are headed. The time we are at the store the Lord is telling me what I need to do. In my head, there is a conversation going on with myself. As this conversation is taking place I realize I am debating on whether she deserves it. I was instantly ashamed. Who am I kidding? Is that the treatment God gives me? If I got what I deserved I would be heading to hell. So, I do what God is telling me to do.
After I drop her off I realize that I have fallen into the holier than thou group. I am so thankful that God speaks to me and helps me realize that I am no better than this person. I just have God, He is what is different. Even people who make poor choices are God's creations, He died for them too. Who am I to say they don't deserve everything I have and more. Everything I have is from God, so I better be doing with it what He wants. I don't mean to be preachy, this has taken hold of my heart. The more I think about it the more I realize I let the world tell me how to do Christmas. Yes, I give the normal gifts, but when do I really give...sacrificially like Christ did. Do I give up things I want to help others? Do I give to only those who I think deserve it? I am ashamed when I realize how selfish and self-righteous I have been. I don't know if this just seems like alot of babble, but I felt like I needed to put it up here.

We are to be like Christ and He gave and still gives. I am going to try to be like Christ and give what I can to help people, whether it be clothes, food, an ear to listen, a set of hands to help....I thank the Lord for using this season to show me how to be more like Him.


Torman said...

This is beautiful cassey! You are so amazing. I hope that Your family has an amazing Christmas.

Torman said...

Have an amazing Christmas..hard to type with two kids on my lap :)