Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Getting Ready for our first Recital.

Gabe saw a little elf hip hop thing and now is trying out hand signs. His mom quickly told him to stop. His momma doesn't like that. Then there is Julie ......just being Julie.Gram got them Christmas outfits and I thought they looked adorable!!
Cheesy smile faces. I sure do love these two!
They don't always get along, but they do love each other quite a bit!
She loves posing....obviously. :)
We are out of the little person phase with this one. He wants to be cool. This momma tries to impress upon them that cool is not what they want to be. Cool is defined by the world. I want them to be Godly people which is not always "cool" by the worlds standards. He sure is getting big!
Julie was telling me how she wanted her Tinkerbell' know the one in the movies. She wanted a "big curl without a hole". I finally realized she meant a bun. So here is our version of a bun in Julie's hair.
The four people in the recital.
A proud momma with her two instrument players. I love music and it thrills my heart to see my children share this love.
They did wonderfully and I will post a short video of the one song that they played. :) I feel so blessed that we live so comfortably that we can afford to let our children participate in this. Thank you, Lord, for all the extras you bless us with.

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