Thursday, February 5, 2009

Gotta love these kids!

Our oldest and youngest snuggled up in Mom and Dad's bed.Our two girls! Aren't they soooo pretty!
The three of them goofing off! Noah was still asleep. Mom was wishing she was too!

Okay, so here is the skunkhead, literally!

If you look closely, he is a skunkhead with swimming trunks on inside out! :)
Don't ask, I don't know!
Noah was insistent that I take a picture of his potty! Julie was back there so I ended getting a cute picture!
And of course, our Miss Belle, she thoroughly enjoys hanging out and watching her siblings be crazy!
Just had to post this!
Tigger riding skunk!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Umm, the one with the skunk looks like you, but the other guy looks just like his dad in elementary school. :-)