Friday, February 26, 2010

Beaver in the Shower.

So Toby trapped at beaver. He was told to freeze until he had time to skin it. So for a while I had a 45 lb. beaver in my freezer. Toby decided that yesterday he was going to skin it. It wasn't thawing very quickly (imagine that) so unbeknownst to me he was trying different ways to thaw it. I walked downstairs and heard the shower running. As I walked to the bathroom, I thought of all of the things I would be saying to the kids about messing with the water without permission. I yanked that door open to find the beaver showering. Now you can imagine how I was so NOT expecting this. I shut the door, ran upstairs and told Toby to let me know when he was doing that kind of stuff! It totally weirded me out! I didn't get a picture yesterday, but after I told someone the story and saying I should have gotten a picture with my new camera my mind went.....hmmmm.....I walked downstairs and yes, the beaver is still in the shower. He is no longer using up all my hot water, but I just thought you all would like to see what I walked in on. :) Yes, they look like a HUGE rat! Tonight I believe we are going to try beaver tail. If we do, I will take pictures and post them. :)



whohathbelieved said...

That is too funny. My dad and older brothers were trappers. I skinned a lot of muskrats with them when I was little. The pictures you posted seem somehow familiar in a strange way, though I don't think we ever thawed a carcass quite like that.

Kelly T said...

First, I would just like to say that I was reading all my blogs on my itouch while I was nursing Ashley before bed. SO, the title and the photos showed up, but the tex would not load. IT WAS DRIVING ME CRAZY. WHY would a BEAVER be in YOUR shower?! So, after and on my own computer, I get the answer.

I would have been traumatized for life....or dead. I startle SO easily...well, better Toby than Eddy! haha:) Hysterical story though!