Friday, June 26, 2009

Mostly Tinkerbellerina

Okay, here is Tinkerbellerina, Tink, Tinkerbell, Belle, Bella, Bellerina, Isabella, whatever her name is that day. :)
Do you see those sweet little teethies?
She was talking.
Now you can really see those teeth!

She is such a happy baby!
She is getting soo big! She soo has her daddy's blue eyes! She looks alot like her daddy!

This one just makes me laugh!So, Gram has this huge rubber ducky and it has always been one of my kids favorite toys to play with over there. It has been a bucking ducky and many other things, this time it was just a stationary ducky. :)
She is such a social little thing. She loves to smile and talk and wave and clap!
I so see her brothers and sister in her in this picture!
My mom has a pug whose name is Missy. Julie is sure she is her dog and chases her around, pets her and says, "dog,dog,dog" everytime she sees her. It is soo cute. We are still working on soft petting... in this picture she was super excited and saying, "dog, dog, dog".
Petting her dog, Missy really is a very nice dog!! Sorry Missy!
She has her Papa smitten with her! She thinks he is pretty swell too! When he came home she sat down (she was standing) and scooted while doing squishy face to him. He HATED that!
So, yes, the other kids were at Gram's too. I have to post a couple of them. I think I have given your Belle dose by now!
Here is Julie's new photo pose. She practices all the time so that when I get the camera out she is practiced up! LOL
What a killer smile!! Does he remind anyone else of Wes and Hannibal?
So the kids started wrestling with Papa, this is the extent that Noah got involved. He would run around them jumping and squealing, but never actually get in on the action! :) Oh! He had to strip to his underwear, because at our house you wrestle in your underwear!
Gabe was sure he could take Papa, he was even talking some smack to him. I think this picture clearly shows that Papa can still take him! Julie was in on it, but by the time I got the camera out she had run away! :)

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